Indigestion is suffering in the chest and abdomen usually occur after overeating or drinking. It may be a sharp pain or a feeling of fullness or lukewarm, and can mitigate Baltjha or remove gases from the anus. In some cases, a painful burning sensation called heartburn extends from the stomach to the neck and mouth after eating happens.
Dyspepsia was also accompanied by some disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract. Swallow air by chewing mouth open and may result in, or talking during chewing or swallowing food quickly to indigestion.
Scientists attribute the indigestion to psychological factors such as stress, anxiety, tension, or disappointment, which leads to neural mechanism that controls the contraction of the muscles of the stomach and intestine disorder.
The treatment of dyspepsia
The treatment of dyspepsia divided into three sections:
First, treatment with chemicals:
Physicians jurisdiction is not recommended for use only when the increased acidity increased significantly, or a person injured Alesanah ulcers.
Second herbal medicines:
There are a large number of herbal medicines used to treat dyspepsia and here we will cite the most important of which is:
The patience to ALOE : There are many kinds of patience, but the species used medically three, which is the normal African and Asian patience, patience patience. And the type known and rolling is known as ALOE VERA is growing in the Middle East. And part of the plant used patience juices are produced by the obelisk shaped leaves and thick.
Use these juices which contain Gelokozydat Antherakinnonah ™ acts as a laxative and in large doses smaller doses. Succulents are also used in the treatment of dyspepsia and heartburn. There is a preparation of which is sold in health food stores, where taking time to fill a cup of coffee on an empty stomach and again when you go to sleep and stomach must be empty of food.
ANISE Anise : Anise small plant does not exceed a height of 50 cm fruits of his umbrella and form part of the plant used to fruition and that people call it the seeds of anise. The fruits of anise volatile oil contains, and the most important compounds of this oil is Alonciol ANETHOLE. Ktardh seeds are used for gases and against colic, and taken either chewy or SFA, or fill the spoon taken eat to fill the cup of boiling water and leave for 15 minutes and then drink the cup including an average of three times a day.
Catnip CALAMENT : a perennial herb mint perfume smell him up to a height of 60 cm, oval leaves and purple flowers known scientifically as CALAMENTH ASCENDES. Parts of it are used air containing volatile oil consists mainly of Polygon. It uses repellent winds and indigestion and is useful in the treatment of cough and expel phlegm as well as the common cold. Taken him to fill a teaspoon to fill the cup of boiling water and leave for ten minutes, then drain and drink an average of three times a day. And it should not be used for pregnant women and children.
Ginger GINGER : perennial plant known scientifically as ZINGEBER OFFICINALE user and part of it Jmamirh located under the surface of the soil, which contains a volatile oil. The most important compounds of this oil are: ZINGIBERENE, CURCUMENE, BETABISABOLINE, PHELLANDRINE, ZINGEBEROL, GINGEROL, SHOGAOL which is attributable to the hot taste of ginger. Ginger contains a large amount of starch. And one of the most widely used drugs Among the most famous spices. It uses local boiled ginger honey for the treatment of cold and cough and expelling flatus and relieve colic. Used ginger capsules sold in health food stores at a rate of capsules against nausea before traveling on sea or air trips for those who suffer from seasickness or vomiting in the plane. It is also used at a rate of one capsule a maximum for the treatment of morning sickness in pregnant women.
And it should not be used by people with bitterness, and do not use large doses in cases of diabetes. It should not be used with heart disease, which causes palpitations in cases of overdose. Ginger and interferes with high and low pressure diseases excess doses cause him not to discipline the pressure.
Parsley PARSLEY : herbal plant around me up to a height of 20 cm and known scientifically as PETROSELINUM CRISPUM user of it leaves, seeds and roots part. Parsley contains a volatile oil, 20% of it consists of Almirestesan compound, and about 18 of apiol and many other turbines%, also contains Flavonyat and Vthaladat and Kumarinat and vitamins A, C, E, and high levels of iron metal. Parsley is used to remove indigestion where several branches eaten fresh after thoroughly washed or fill a teaspoon of crushed dry plant is taken and added to fill the cup of boiling water and let soak for 10 minutes, then drain and drink an average of three times a day.
Third: dietary supplements:
Garlic: Taken at a rate of capsules with every meal, where the elimination of unwanted bacteria in the intestines and helps to good digestion.
Vitamin B complex: Taken at a rate of 100 mg three times a day with a meal and is essential for good digestion.
Lecithin granules or lecithin capsules: lecithin granules taken at a rate of filling a spoon to eat three times a day before eating or 1200 mg of lecithin capsules three times a day before eating. The lecithin emulsifier on fat helps to rip and thus easy to digest.
Alosidovals: fill spoon half an hour before a meal taken at a rate of three times a day and are essential for digestion.
Important instructions for people with indigestion
It must include your food 75% of the fresh vegetables and fruits and whole grains.
It must include your food papaya (Anbroc) fresh as well as fresh pineapple, which contains the enzyme Bromelain as they are good sources of digestive enzymes.
Reduce the intake of legumes, such as beans, lentils, peanuts, soybeans, where containing enzymes inhibitors.
Alcavaian avoid soft drinks and acidic juices and fats, pasta and pepper and chips, meat, tomatoes and spicy foods and salted.
Do not take dairy products and fast food preparation manufactured as lead to the formation of mucus, which in turn lead to a lack of protein digestion.
If you've had surgery in the abdomen, such as shortening the intestine handled Alpenneken to help digest food, and if you suffer from low blood sugar level, you need to Alpenneken and use it after meals if you feel fullness, bloating and the presence of gases.
Chew food well and Thblah quickly.
Do not eat and you are angry or overwrought.
Do not drink liquids during eating it reduces infectious juices and prevents bad good digestion of food.
If you feel a burning sensation heart and continued symptoms, consult your doctor, if the pain began to move to the left arm or accompanied by a feeling of weakness or dizziness or shortness of breath, go to the hospital, because these symptoms are similar to the early symptoms of heart attack.
Dyspepsia was also accompanied by some disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract. Swallow air by chewing mouth open and may result in, or talking during chewing or swallowing food quickly to indigestion.
Scientists attribute the indigestion to psychological factors such as stress, anxiety, tension, or disappointment, which leads to neural mechanism that controls the contraction of the muscles of the stomach and intestine disorder.
The treatment of dyspepsia
The treatment of dyspepsia divided into three sections:
First, treatment with chemicals:
Physicians jurisdiction is not recommended for use only when the increased acidity increased significantly, or a person injured Alesanah ulcers.
Second herbal medicines:
There are a large number of herbal medicines used to treat dyspepsia and here we will cite the most important of which is:
The patience to ALOE : There are many kinds of patience, but the species used medically three, which is the normal African and Asian patience, patience patience. And the type known and rolling is known as ALOE VERA is growing in the Middle East. And part of the plant used patience juices are produced by the obelisk shaped leaves and thick.
Use these juices which contain Gelokozydat Antherakinnonah ™ acts as a laxative and in large doses smaller doses. Succulents are also used in the treatment of dyspepsia and heartburn. There is a preparation of which is sold in health food stores, where taking time to fill a cup of coffee on an empty stomach and again when you go to sleep and stomach must be empty of food.
ANISE Anise : Anise small plant does not exceed a height of 50 cm fruits of his umbrella and form part of the plant used to fruition and that people call it the seeds of anise. The fruits of anise volatile oil contains, and the most important compounds of this oil is Alonciol ANETHOLE. Ktardh seeds are used for gases and against colic, and taken either chewy or SFA, or fill the spoon taken eat to fill the cup of boiling water and leave for 15 minutes and then drink the cup including an average of three times a day.
Catnip CALAMENT : a perennial herb mint perfume smell him up to a height of 60 cm, oval leaves and purple flowers known scientifically as CALAMENTH ASCENDES. Parts of it are used air containing volatile oil consists mainly of Polygon. It uses repellent winds and indigestion and is useful in the treatment of cough and expel phlegm as well as the common cold. Taken him to fill a teaspoon to fill the cup of boiling water and leave for ten minutes, then drain and drink an average of three times a day. And it should not be used for pregnant women and children.
Ginger GINGER : perennial plant known scientifically as ZINGEBER OFFICINALE user and part of it Jmamirh located under the surface of the soil, which contains a volatile oil. The most important compounds of this oil are: ZINGIBERENE, CURCUMENE, BETABISABOLINE, PHELLANDRINE, ZINGEBEROL, GINGEROL, SHOGAOL which is attributable to the hot taste of ginger. Ginger contains a large amount of starch. And one of the most widely used drugs Among the most famous spices. It uses local boiled ginger honey for the treatment of cold and cough and expelling flatus and relieve colic. Used ginger capsules sold in health food stores at a rate of capsules against nausea before traveling on sea or air trips for those who suffer from seasickness or vomiting in the plane. It is also used at a rate of one capsule a maximum for the treatment of morning sickness in pregnant women.
And it should not be used by people with bitterness, and do not use large doses in cases of diabetes. It should not be used with heart disease, which causes palpitations in cases of overdose. Ginger and interferes with high and low pressure diseases excess doses cause him not to discipline the pressure.
Parsley PARSLEY : herbal plant around me up to a height of 20 cm and known scientifically as PETROSELINUM CRISPUM user of it leaves, seeds and roots part. Parsley contains a volatile oil, 20% of it consists of Almirestesan compound, and about 18 of apiol and many other turbines%, also contains Flavonyat and Vthaladat and Kumarinat and vitamins A, C, E, and high levels of iron metal. Parsley is used to remove indigestion where several branches eaten fresh after thoroughly washed or fill a teaspoon of crushed dry plant is taken and added to fill the cup of boiling water and let soak for 10 minutes, then drain and drink an average of three times a day.
Third: dietary supplements:
Garlic: Taken at a rate of capsules with every meal, where the elimination of unwanted bacteria in the intestines and helps to good digestion.
Vitamin B complex: Taken at a rate of 100 mg three times a day with a meal and is essential for good digestion.
Lecithin granules or lecithin capsules: lecithin granules taken at a rate of filling a spoon to eat three times a day before eating or 1200 mg of lecithin capsules three times a day before eating. The lecithin emulsifier on fat helps to rip and thus easy to digest.
Alosidovals: fill spoon half an hour before a meal taken at a rate of three times a day and are essential for digestion.
Important instructions for people with indigestion
It must include your food 75% of the fresh vegetables and fruits and whole grains.
It must include your food papaya (Anbroc) fresh as well as fresh pineapple, which contains the enzyme Bromelain as they are good sources of digestive enzymes.
Reduce the intake of legumes, such as beans, lentils, peanuts, soybeans, where containing enzymes inhibitors.
Alcavaian avoid soft drinks and acidic juices and fats, pasta and pepper and chips, meat, tomatoes and spicy foods and salted.
Do not take dairy products and fast food preparation manufactured as lead to the formation of mucus, which in turn lead to a lack of protein digestion.
If you've had surgery in the abdomen, such as shortening the intestine handled Alpenneken to help digest food, and if you suffer from low blood sugar level, you need to Alpenneken and use it after meals if you feel fullness, bloating and the presence of gases.
Chew food well and Thblah quickly.
Do not eat and you are angry or overwrought.
Do not drink liquids during eating it reduces infectious juices and prevents bad good digestion of food.
If you feel a burning sensation heart and continued symptoms, consult your doctor, if the pain began to move to the left arm or accompanied by a feeling of weakness or dizziness or shortness of breath, go to the hospital, because these symptoms are similar to the early symptoms of heart attack.
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