

السبت، 11 يوليو 2015


Medical News. Propolis is a resin material collected by bees from the bark of trees and buds of some plants to be usable in the narrow entrances to the cells in the winter and paste wood frames in each other and in the installation of wax discs in the ceilings burrows inhabited by the so-called initial construction material used bees this article in embalming animal pests that infiltrate into cells such as lizards and mice.

Propolis is successfully used to treat wounds and gangrene. Some fungal diseases and also addresses an anti-bacterial substance because it contains flavonoids, and an anti-bleeding may try propolis in hospitals and proved to be an antiseptic agent and helps in the formation of new tissue and flesh. Also used in the treatment of contaminated wounds germs false. As used in the treatment of joint pain.

It is noteworthy that the propolis derived from bee products for the treatment of swine flu, a "lethal material for all types of viruses."

And is used in the treatment of thrush after melting glycerin, and does not cause a feeling of pain in the fire and put it on Alqlaa..oimkn used for easing the gargling, it can also be used to prevent them.

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